I almost died because of energy drinks at 26

A shocking story about a young gamer, almost dying from drinking energy drink…You need to know this!

It all started in 2018 when I was still studying…I love gaming, but playing for hours always makes me super tired. My performance dropped after a few hours and I just need it something to keep me sharp between the ears…First, I started with coffee…one cup, two cups, three cups…It just wasn’t enough. That’s why I started consuming energy drinks. I drunk 3 or 4 RedBulls every day…literally every day. After a week or two, I felt like I was addicted to this damn thing. I just couldn’t stop. And this when on for months…

energy drinks

At the end of 2018, after 5 or 6 months of drinking energy drinks, I started noticing I was sweating like in the sauna, after just one drink. I had severe headaches and my heart was pounding like on the roller-coster and this set off all the alarms in my head. What the heck is happening?

I went to my doctor and described the symptoms. The doctor immediately send me to the cardiologist and diagnose was simply horrifying — abnormal heart rhythm — I had a significant increase in their QTc interval. My blood pressure was increased heavily, and I had a high level of sugar — diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. I was shocked — before that, I never had any problems, so this hit me hard.

I did some research and found horrifying data about energy drinks…A study published in 2019 in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that caffeinated energy drinks altered the heart’s electrical activity and raised blood pressure.

energy drinks harmful effects

A study showed that energy drinks cause more forceful heart contractions, which could be harmful to some with certain heart conditions. And all this can happen drinking just one drink per day!

A 2016 study showed that 18–40-year-olds who drank energy drinks had a significant increase in their QTc interval, which is a marker of abnormal heart rhythm risk. Just like in my case!

Furthermore…Research in 2018 showed that just 90 minutes after consuming a 24-oz energy drink, the inner diameter of the arteries was halved. It’s thought that the high level of sugar and caffeine were to blame.

After this experience I stopped drinking energy drinks immediately — my heath rate and blood pressure are much better now, also sugar levels are dropping.

This experience let me thinking — is there anything better on the market to still give me much needed energy boost and not killed me doing that? And I found some alternatives that did not contain caffeine and sugars — although I have to admit, there are not a lot of them, still…Be smart, invest in your health…Its all you got!

p.s. I came across this product. 0 caffeine, 0 sugar, 100% natural energy booster. Check it out!


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